Saturday, July 26, 2008
Question again...
O.k. as I am watching the big concert tonight...I said to Karmen,"WOW! Wouldn't you love to be on stage singing with the cameras in your face and the fan blowing your hair?" O.k. I guess I am not the "average" mom around here but I was really thinking that! So then I said, "Oh I gotta go write this on justjill." Karmen said, "Go put it on Justjilljunior". So here I am!
If you could do anything that you wanted for a day...what would it be?
Mine is...
Be on stage...singing...with the camera in my face...the fan blowing my hair around" AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!
If you could do anything that you wanted for a day...what would it be?
Mine is...
Be on stage...singing...with the camera in my face...the fan blowing my hair around" AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!
A complaint....
I have gotten many complaints from Justjilljunior fans that they want MORE from Justjill! They want to be updated more often and not neglected. I am soooo sorry! I am going to try to do better from now on. You justjilljunior fans are JUST as importants as my Justjill fans! Please forgive me!
Hannah Montana
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Hi JustJillJunior Fans!
O.k. another question...
If you could pick any celebrity to be for a day...who would it be and why?
If you could pick any celebrity to be for a day...who would it be and why?
Friday, June 27, 2008
Hello again! Couple of questions for you. Kinda like a mini quiz! I know how you guys love them!
Question One...
If your parents came to you and told you that you were going to have another brother or sister would you be happy or be sad?
(By the way...I am not going to have another baby! I just some article about it and wanted to ask)
Question Two...
If you found a hundred dollars in your driveway...would you keep it or would you try to find out who it belongs to?
Question Three...
O.k. from question number 2.... if you did keep the hundred dollars what would you spend it on?
Can't wait to see your responses!!!!!!!!!
Question One...
If your parents came to you and told you that you were going to have another brother or sister would you be happy or be sad?
(By the way...I am not going to have another baby! I just some article about it and wanted to ask)
Question Two...
If you found a hundred dollars in your driveway...would you keep it or would you try to find out who it belongs to?
Question Three...
O.k. from question number 2.... if you did keep the hundred dollars what would you spend it on?
Can't wait to see your responses!!!!!!!!!
Hello my justjilljunior fans! Sorry it has been so long! I have been busy with Karmen and her world traveling! :) I miss her like crazy and can't wait to see her!
To the justjilljunior fans...question for you. How long have you ever been away from your parents???
To the justjilljunior fans...question for you. How long have you ever been away from your parents???
Saturday, June 7, 2008
O.k. Justjilljunior fans...
I must go blog on Justjill now. (You know how those grownups get so grumpy if I don't give them a little attention too!) HA I hope to post more later!
Pool Party
It was a great party. I think everyone had fun...thank you Thias's for having us! I got some amazing shots of everyone jumping off the diving board! I will post a few and then make copies of the rest and give them to everyone. I had no idea there was so much talent in the neighborhood! :)
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Regarding Camps Comments
Someone is very funny that has been on justjilljunior! I loved the cell phone camp! and Happy Campers Camp? Awesome!!!!!!!!!
Good friends
Wow! That is truly a friend when they say they will hold my hair back while I am puking!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Paris and we come!...
oops...I meant Here she comes! Seriously I will be just one plane behind her. HA Two weeks from today! I think I am going to go throwup!
Cell phones
Let me explain my reasoning behind the cell phone topic. First I think they are great for emergencies but I don't think that young kids should have them just to text back and forth on. You should pick up the telephone and call each other. I know it is 2008 but if you have everything already...what is there to look forward to? What will Santa bring to you in the future???
The Cow
Took the cow pictures right around the corner from our house. Cole and I always stopped by there to say "hello" to brownie!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Cell phones
What do you JJJ fans think about cell phones? What age do you believe you should get one? Why should you have one? What kind would you want or already have? Colors that are in?
Hello to Hannah, Haylee and Mallory! I am so glad you like Justjilljunior! I promise I will try to keep JJJ updated! You girls need to walk over one day so I can take your picture and post it!
Rain rain ...thank goodness you went away
It is taking our pool a little longer than expected cause we have had all this rain, slowly but surely, it is coming along. Hopefully in one week it will be finished. I hope
Just FYI
Karmen leaves in exactly 3 weeks from today! I am going to be soooo sad. I am very excited for her though.
So sorry!
Hey my little JustJillJunior fans! Please forgive me for not updating the blog. I am going to focus on my Justjilljunior fans for awhile now. :)
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Oh my goodness! I am so proud of you! I just read what you said about the "Happy de Cinco Maya whatever blog"! That was an awesome answer but it sounded way too much like your father!
I think I am thinking about the Riviera Maya...oh what a nice vacation that would be...
I think I am thinking about the Riviera Maya...oh what a nice vacation that would be...
O.k. I am going to be a "grownup" and blog about something serious. I don't mean "to serious"...just not about celebrities, etc. :) Your parents will be happy that I have something with a little meaning on JustJillJunior!
First...aren't you excited that school is almost out?!!! Yeah! I am and I know my kids are too!
So next year I have Cole going to Kindergarten at Jackson, Calvin will be in 2nd at Redding and Karmen will be in 6th at the middle school! How am I going to get all 3 kids to their different schools and on time? Have you seen those trucks with the lights on top? Not a policeman but like a volunteer fireman or something? Maybe I could get one so I can race through town? People would all pullover to the side when I have it on? How cool would that be? O.k. cool for me...and the boys...but Karmen maybe embarrassed by it. What if it was a hot pink light instead of a blue or red light? Would that be awesome? O.k. what if I had an awesome pink car with the pink light on top? Would that be o.k.? Wonder if I would have to take some kind of driving class for one of them? Maybe I could start up my own club..."Mom's who don't have time to mess with you grandpa' move over or I will run you over!" That would be kinda cool. I would be president of course but maybe your mom's could run for an office too.
O.k. now let me get to what I wanted to originally talk about. Sixth grade. Yes Karmen I am going to talk about 6th grade on JustJillJunior. I say all the time that I remember being a girl in 5th and 6th grade. It is a hard age I think. Lots of changes going on...whether it is with school work or changing schools, meeting new friends, and realizing who the MEAN GIRLS are! I know my JustJillJunior fans and you are all GOOD GIRLS! I mean, don't get me wrong, we all have our moments and our friends will sometime influence us more than what we think...but I just want you girls to know that you are all so beautiful and don't let anyone make you think otherwise. If we stop this "Mean Girl" cycle here and now with you girls maybe we can make things better. I know what you are thinking...rolling your eyes and saying, "All Mom's say that". BUT I am telling you the truth! You are all GORGEOUS inside and out! Stay friends with each other, stay away from the Mean Girls (especially with big bows) and life will be so much easier. Honestly. I always hated when grownups would say things like this cause I would think, "You don't understand"...and I know you will all think this too but I feel better saying it to you all. And if someone says something mean about your friend...stand up for them! Come home and tell me and I will go kick their @#$!!!!!!!!!!! O.k. so maybe that wasn't the "mature" thing for me to say but I will let NO ONE talk to any of you like that!
O.k. I am done with all the "motherly" advice for the day. Back to the fun stuff...Let's do another quiz!
First...aren't you excited that school is almost out?!!! Yeah! I am and I know my kids are too!
So next year I have Cole going to Kindergarten at Jackson, Calvin will be in 2nd at Redding and Karmen will be in 6th at the middle school! How am I going to get all 3 kids to their different schools and on time? Have you seen those trucks with the lights on top? Not a policeman but like a volunteer fireman or something? Maybe I could get one so I can race through town? People would all pullover to the side when I have it on? How cool would that be? O.k. cool for me...and the boys...but Karmen maybe embarrassed by it. What if it was a hot pink light instead of a blue or red light? Would that be awesome? O.k. what if I had an awesome pink car with the pink light on top? Would that be o.k.? Wonder if I would have to take some kind of driving class for one of them? Maybe I could start up my own club..."Mom's who don't have time to mess with you grandpa' move over or I will run you over!" That would be kinda cool. I would be president of course but maybe your mom's could run for an office too.
O.k. now let me get to what I wanted to originally talk about. Sixth grade. Yes Karmen I am going to talk about 6th grade on JustJillJunior. I say all the time that I remember being a girl in 5th and 6th grade. It is a hard age I think. Lots of changes going on...whether it is with school work or changing schools, meeting new friends, and realizing who the MEAN GIRLS are! I know my JustJillJunior fans and you are all GOOD GIRLS! I mean, don't get me wrong, we all have our moments and our friends will sometime influence us more than what we think...but I just want you girls to know that you are all so beautiful and don't let anyone make you think otherwise. If we stop this "Mean Girl" cycle here and now with you girls maybe we can make things better. I know what you are thinking...rolling your eyes and saying, "All Mom's say that". BUT I am telling you the truth! You are all GORGEOUS inside and out! Stay friends with each other, stay away from the Mean Girls (especially with big bows) and life will be so much easier. Honestly. I always hated when grownups would say things like this cause I would think, "You don't understand"...and I know you will all think this too but I feel better saying it to you all. And if someone says something mean about your friend...stand up for them! Come home and tell me and I will go kick their @#$!!!!!!!!!!! O.k. so maybe that wasn't the "mature" thing for me to say but I will let NO ONE talk to any of you like that!
O.k. I am done with all the "motherly" advice for the day. Back to the fun stuff...Let's do another quiz!
Good job girls on your quiz answers! I loved them! Do you like the quizzes? Should I make up another one? Do any of you have any suggestions on my next blog?
Mother's Day
Hey JustJillJunior fans! Happy Saturday to you! Have any special plans for your mom's? You could clean house, take her out to dinner, have dad cook, be really really nice to her all day, rub her feet, paint her toenails, etc. Don't fight with your siblings...
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Fun Quiz!
I am just going to ask a whole bunch of questions and then you guys comment on them and let me know your answers!
1. Vanessa or Ashley?
2. Justin Timberlake or Ryan Sheckler?
3. Real tattoo's or fake tattoo's? (in no way am I suggesting is only a question!)
4. Picking up the phone to actually call a friend or texting a friend?
5. Hawaii or California?
6. Save money or spend money?
7. Flute or clarinet?
8. Blonde or brunette?
9. Black or white? (I am talking about cars, clothes, etc.)
10. Kiss your mom goodbye or hug your mom goodbye?
11. Plane or boat?
12. Spring Break or summer break?
13. McDonald's or Wendy's?
How am I doing? I have had NO help from Karmen!
14. Print or cursive?
15. Band or choir?
16. Bows or no bows?
17. Musicals or movies?
18. BMW or Mercedes?
19. Brothers or sisters?
20. Painted nails or plain nails?
1. Vanessa or Ashley?
2. Justin Timberlake or Ryan Sheckler?
3. Real tattoo's or fake tattoo's? (in no way am I suggesting is only a question!)
4. Picking up the phone to actually call a friend or texting a friend?
5. Hawaii or California?
6. Save money or spend money?
7. Flute or clarinet?
8. Blonde or brunette?
9. Black or white? (I am talking about cars, clothes, etc.)
10. Kiss your mom goodbye or hug your mom goodbye?
11. Plane or boat?
12. Spring Break or summer break?
13. McDonald's or Wendy's?
How am I doing? I have had NO help from Karmen!
14. Print or cursive?
15. Band or choir?
16. Bows or no bows?
17. Musicals or movies?
18. BMW or Mercedes?
19. Brothers or sisters?
20. Painted nails or plain nails?
Sparkly tube top
So no on the tube top? Not even if it is bright pink and sparkly? What if I wore a shaw over it? Justjoking Karmen! I do have a funny story though...went to Penney's last night and I saw this ridiculous fuschia slinky prom dress and I said to Karmen, "What if I wore that that to do the dance?" I think she rolled her eyes. What do you JustJillJunior fans think? Would you be embarrassed if your cool hot mom wore that?
Are you the one that posted under "Ryan" ...Happy de Cinco Maya or whatever? What does that have to do with CutieRyan?
Monday, May 5, 2008
Shame on you
I set up JustJillJunior for those who are 15 and under. If you are not 15 then you shouldn't be on JustJill. Karmen that goes for you too!!
Keeping up with The Kardashians!
Last night Karmen and I were watching the Kardashians and I was filling her in about who was who...who was the oldest...talked about the mom...talked about the dad...talked about the stepdad...talked about everyone except Robert starting with a "K"....I told Karmen that she could be the 11th child....Karmen Kardashian! HA
Code names
Sure Karmen I will come up with a code name for you! You can't take SPW's though. And you can't have TCO. or Miss Mad....or ACD...or SSSKT....or LT...or DW....
5th grade dance
All of you awesome 5th graders don't need dates to the dance. It's more fun when you can dance with everyone! Plus if you need some new dance moves...I will be there to show you. HA
What?!!! I am going to be on the morning news? AWESOME!!! Do they need me to make a surprise guest appearance? Just Joking! Thanks Karmen. You rock!
5th grade dance!
Karmen has her 5th grade dance this Friday and guess what??? I get to take the pictures! I am very excited but I don't know if Karmen is or not. Do any of you JustJillJunior fans get embarrassed by your parents? You know we are not that old and we are awesome parents I think. Is there anything that your parents do that you wish they didn't do?
My opinion
I must say though....those little cheerleading uniforms are so cute! BUT I really like the tight little volleyball shorts too!
Sports vs. cheerleading
O.k.I know that cheerleading these days is definitely a sport but I think you all know what I mean. What is the thing to do these days? I heard that cheerleading was out and sport sports volleyball, softball, soccer, etc. is in! Fill me in with what you think!
Who likes Miley?
I would like to know from my JustJillJunior fans if you like Miley C. or if you do not like her? I can't remember if Karmen does or not...but I don't really care for her. She is not my favorite. Do you watch Hannah Montana? I like Vanessa H.!!! I think she is so pretty and I like her voice too. I hope I spelled their names right!
Have you heard?
I was watching tv really really late one night and over the E news came Very Important Information about Mariah Carey! They said she got married to Nick Cannon!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Mallory and Mariah Carey
What are we going to do with you?? You have got to love Mariah Carey after this morning! She is awesome! AND Awesome people like Awesome singers. You know I am just giving you a hard time...right? The good thing is now when someone says "Hey do you like Mariah Carey?" You can say "YES!"
What are we going to do with you?? You have got to love Mariah Carey after this morning! She is awesome! AND Awesome people like Awesome singers. You know I am just giving you a hard time...right? The good thing is now when someone says "Hey do you like Mariah Carey?" You can say "YES!"
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Pink vs Pink
O.k. I like the color pink. I have always liked the color pink. Then at one time...I guess pink was not the "in" color. It was Purple! Purple was the new pink. But now pink is back! Oh that reminds me of a song...I'm bringing PinkBack!
O.k. so what do you think about boys wearing pink? I think it is o.k. if they are manly enough to wear it. Get what I am saying?
O.k. so what do you think about boys wearing pink? I think it is o.k. if they are manly enough to wear it. Get what I am saying?
Monday, April 21, 2008
Justice vs Limited Too
O.k. all of you JustJillJunior fans.... I want to take a poll on this. Comment and tell me which one you like better. Justice. or ...Limited Too! Karmen and I have decided that they use the same models on both advertisements. We want new models!
Friday, April 18, 2008
First Blog!
Welcome to all you JustJillJunior Fans! This is going to be so much fun! It is just like JustJill but more fun...cause it will be geared toward your age group! I will have celebrities, tv shows, school stuff, neighborhood kids, etc. :) But remember what JustJill is all about....basicly nothing! Can't wait to start posting
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