Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Cell phones

What do you JJJ fans think about cell phones? What age do you believe you should get one? Why should you have one? What kind would you want or already have? Colors that are in?


Anonymous said...

cells are awesome! i think u should get a cell in early 5th grade. to talk 2 your friends and for emergencies (don't know how to spell that.) env, juke, any kind that u can text and call on! silver, black, pink

Anonymous said...

i think it is a requirement to have one before you get to sixth grade-check your middle school handbook

Anonymous said...

when you get in fourth grade!!!

Anonymous said...

Featherhead says...
I got a cell phone when I was going into the 4th grade. I changed schools so I didnt know what was going to happen. JILL, YOU ARE SO CRUEL!!!!!!!!! KARMEN SHOULD HAVE ONE BY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

um chill featherhead,
u might of just made it like two more years more than it was before that it will be time for me to get one.

Anonymous said...

my brother got his the summer befor 6th grade