Saturday, May 10, 2008


O.k. I am going to be a "grownup" and blog about something serious. I don't mean "to serious"...just not about celebrities, etc. :) Your parents will be happy that I have something with a little meaning on JustJillJunior!

First...aren't you excited that school is almost out?!!! Yeah! I am and I know my kids are too!

So next year I have Cole going to Kindergarten at Jackson, Calvin will be in 2nd at Redding and Karmen will be in 6th at the middle school! How am I going to get all 3 kids to their different schools and on time? Have you seen those trucks with the lights on top? Not a policeman but like a volunteer fireman or something? Maybe I could get one so I can race through town? People would all pullover to the side when I have it on? How cool would that be? O.k. cool for me...and the boys...but Karmen maybe embarrassed by it. What if it was a hot pink light instead of a blue or red light? Would that be awesome? O.k. what if I had an awesome pink car with the pink light on top? Would that be o.k.? Wonder if I would have to take some kind of driving class for one of them? Maybe I could start up my own club..."Mom's who don't have time to mess with you grandpa' move over or I will run you over!" That would be kinda cool. I would be president of course but maybe your mom's could run for an office too.

O.k. now let me get to what I wanted to originally talk about. Sixth grade. Yes Karmen I am going to talk about 6th grade on JustJillJunior. I say all the time that I remember being a girl in 5th and 6th grade. It is a hard age I think. Lots of changes going on...whether it is with school work or changing schools, meeting new friends, and realizing who the MEAN GIRLS are! I know my JustJillJunior fans and you are all GOOD GIRLS! I mean, don't get me wrong, we all have our moments and our friends will sometime influence us more than what we think...but I just want you girls to know that you are all so beautiful and don't let anyone make you think otherwise. If we stop this "Mean Girl" cycle here and now with you girls maybe we can make things better. I know what you are thinking...rolling your eyes and saying, "All Mom's say that". BUT I am telling you the truth! You are all GORGEOUS inside and out! Stay friends with each other, stay away from the Mean Girls (especially with big bows) and life will be so much easier. Honestly. I always hated when grownups would say things like this cause I would think, "You don't understand"...and I know you will all think this too but I feel better saying it to you all. And if someone says something mean about your friend...stand up for them! Come home and tell me and I will go kick their @#$!!!!!!!!!!! O.k. so maybe that wasn't the "mature" thing for me to say but I will let NO ONE talk to any of you like that!
O.k. I am done with all the "motherly" advice for the day. Back to the fun stuff...Let's do another quiz!


Anonymous said...

omg! do all the mean girls have big bows and "puffs" cause that's where i'm hangin! i just put my hair in a puff, SPW!!! it looks soo totally cute! lol

Anonymous said...

Featherhead says...
Ditch the puff. It looks good on nobody! How's your ankle, Karmen? I didn't know that the short bus had its very own cheerleader!!!!! Does your mom have some kind of hang up for mean girls or something?????

Anonymous said...

what's a puff??

Anonymous said...

Do MEAN girls usually have Puffs or Bows?

Anonymous said...

Puff the magic dragon lived by the sea....................

Anonymous said...

The puff is like sooooo out

Anonymous said...

I can't stand the cheerleader puff and bows! Karmen's puff last night was goooood lookin'!!!

Anonymous said...

OOOOOOOO i love puff the dragon he's sooo weird and intresting!

Anonymous said...

Featherhead says...
I agree with anonymous. The puff IS soooo out. I didn't know that the short bus had a crush on Puff the dragon.

Anonymous said...

puffs R in but SUPER puffs R out

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU!!! tell em' anonymous!!