Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mother's Day

Hey JustJillJunior fans! Happy Saturday to you! Have any special plans for your mom's? You could clean house, take her out to dinner, have dad cook, be really really nice to her all day, rub her feet, paint her toenails, etc. Don't fight with your siblings...


Anonymous said...

oooo good ideas ..crap tomorrow's mother's day.......... got 2 go!!!

Anonymous said...

Or all the kids could just leave and you can have PEACE and QUIET

Anonymous said...

make your mom wear a tiara all day and let her be the queen

Anonymous said...

Featherhead says...
Good idea!!! But, I'm too lazy to clean the house, flat broke, my dad doesn't cook, I could be nice to her, I DON'T rub feet, I'M A BOY!!!!! I DON'T PAINT TOES!!!!!!! Maybe I'll reward her by taking a bath...

Anonymous said...

GREAT IDEA JACK!! ur starting to really stink, BAD!!

Anonymous said...

can i ask how jack got his featherhead name?

Anonymous said...

We love Featherhead!

Anonymous said...

yes you may ask, I made it up because of his hair that sticks up in the back, like all the nerds hair does

Anonymous said...

Featherhead says...
Karmen you are just jealous that you have the nickname, short bus ( and that I have better hair than you. You have a gift bow in your hair on top of a puff!!!!!).